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How to activate all Discord Easter Eggs

Discord has a large number of Easter Eggs scattered throughout its interface. These are small, hidden features meant to delight users and keep them coming back for more in the long term. However, some people might have trouble finding these creepy little easter eggs! Well luckily you can activate all of them with this handy guide!.

The “discord easter egg raging demon” is a Discord Easter Egg that has been activated. This Easter Egg can be accessed by typing in the command “!rage”.

How to activate all Discord Easter Eggs

Discord is a popular messaging app that is used all around the globe. Its creators have concealed several unique and funny surprises throughout the app and website for you to locate, ranging from humorous allusions to real games.

Street Fighter Discord

With a Dance Dance Revolution-style Easter Egg as well as a secret combo code to reveal a Street Fighter callback, this is a two-for-one deal. These Easter Eggs may be found by following the instructions below:

  • The Keyboard Combos menu is accessed by pressing CTRL and /.
  • The arrow keys on the top right of your keyboard light up when you hit them, and they also make an electronic sound that can be rather entertaining to experiment with.
  • After you’ve finished fiddling with them, hit the following keys in order: The Raging Demon Easter Egg may be found by pressing H H right arrow key N K.


This one is simple and straightforward to implement, and it will stay in place until you repeat the procedures to activate it.

  • 15 times in a row, press the top left Discord logo.

Nitro Boosts has confetti.

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When you move your mouse quickly over the notice for Nitro boosts to a server, a shower of confetti appears, but if you do it enough times, Wampus will appear in a corner and toss out even more confetti.

404 Snek

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If you receive an Error 404, you’ll be sent to the error code page, however hitting the button to the right of the robotic hamster will launch Snek, a game. Another technique to get the Snek game to appear on the 404 error page is to enter in the Konami code for the game, which is:

  • B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B A,

Mode of Insanity

Scrolling down to the Default Notification Settings section of your Discord server settings and clicking on the highlighted “This Insanity” will take you to a video demonstrating the impact of enabling the option.

Colons in the color blue

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Visit https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/rate-limits for further information.

Then scroll down till you find the following sentence: “Note that this response will include the standard rate-limiting headers. “Here’s what the rate-limiting answer will look like:” At the conclusion of this statement, click the blue colon.

From there, you may choose between several settings and music to listen to.

Discord for Dubstep

This one is more difficult to trigger and occurs at random. There’s a 1/1000th chance that Discord’s default ringtone will be replaced with a dubstep remix.

ID Copy

Clicking your user ID numerous times to copy it may cause various text to appear, ranging from “Copied” to “Double Copied” to “Beyond Godlike.”

You get a banana.

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When looking for results that aren’t found, you’ll get a typical notice telling you that the search was unsuccessful; nevertheless, you could get a separate message that says “Empathy banana is here for you.”

That’s not correct.

The edit button in Discord will give you a look of complete displeasure if you alter your user name to a string of highly strange characters.

Flashlight and AMOLED

These are only accessible on the Discord app for Android. You’ll need to go to the Appearance settings and tap on the Dark theme nine times to activate it. This will show you a new Dark mode theme that takes it to a whole new level.

You’ll need to press the Light theme choice six times to acquire the Flashlight theme.

Specials for the Holidays

The soundtrack of Discord’s cries changed to a spookier, more eerie sound during the 2020 Halloween season. A Festive sound pack was introduced this year, which changed the numerous sounds available to a more festive and end-of-year tone.

In the corner of the text bar, there is also a Turkey emoji, which replaces the regular happy emoji. When the time and date are set to Thanksgiving, this occurs.


If you type printer.discord.com into your browser, you’ll be sent to an old video called Computer Man from the Canadian program VidKids.

Watch This Video-

The “discord secrets” is a list of hidden features in Discord. These features can be activated with the help of commands that are used in chat or by typing certain words into the text field.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are all the Easter eggs on discord?

A: There are a lot of Easter eggs on Discord. Some include various references to other games or movies, and others are just funny quips that add some light-hearted humor. For example, if you type I made this into the chat window it will reply with I know. And typing in one of your user names profile picture will make them collapse from an invisible force while they say their own username out loud.

What is the secret game on discord?

A: Secret game is a secret.

How do you code Easter eggs?

A: I am not an Easter egg.

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