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Halo Infinite Campaign Skulls Locations Guide – Where to Find All Skulls

In Halo Infinite, players will be able to find skulls that unlock challenges and new missions. The game includes a variety of different types of skulls with an assortment of unique locations scattered across the map. This guide offers tips on how to easily find all available skull fragments so you can complete your campaign as soon as possible!

The “halo infinite skulls locations map” is a guide that lists the locations of all skulls in the Halo Infinite campaign. It also includes screenshots and maps.

Halo Infinite Campaign Skulls Locations Guide – Where to Find All Skulls


Skulls are one of the treasures in Halo Infinite Campaign that players should not overlook, owing to the additional complexity they give. Skulls may be difficult to locate in various missions and locales; however, our Locations of Skulls in Halo Infinite Campaign will show you where you can discover all of the game’s Skulls.

Halo Infinite Campaign Skulls Locations Guide

We’ve included all of the Skulls locations and how to collect them down below.

Skull No. 1 – Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, who

This Skull boosts the explosion radius by x2 and can be found on the second level of the Warship Gbraakon during the first mission. You’ll need to grapple your way up to this level and land in the center of the elevator. On the right, the skull will be close to several boxes.

Cowbell – Skull #2

This Skull boosts explosive acceleration and can be discovered in the Foundation task, at a very challenging place that is almost impossible to miss. You’ll come to a window overlooking a huge expanse ahead once you collect the weapon and continue with the quest when you hear ghostly noises of children. You’ll access this big space if you continue left from the corridor. Instead of going forward, stand still and use your scanner to draw attention to the skull. Climb the column all the way to the top of the ceiling, where the skull is located.

Catch #3 Skull

Enemies are prompted to throw and drop additional grenades when they use the Catch Skull. It may be located in the open world of North Zeta, far north in this area, northwest of Outpost Tremonius, near the canyon. There will be adversaries here, and the skull will be hidden within a shattered tree stump.

Fog – Skull #4

This Skull disables motion tracking and can be discovered west of FOB Alpha, where you must go to the enormous hexagon cliff, but halfway up the mountain, a little cave entrance on the hexagon columns will be found. The skull will be within the cave, and you’ll need to use a flying vehicle to get there.

I Would Have Been Your Daddy, Skull #5

The IWHBYD Skull is located at the very top of The Tower. Obtaining the skull will be a piece of cake if you have an airborne vehicle. The Skull’s main redeeming feature is that it unlocks some unusual fight speech.

Blind Skull #6

The Blind will turn off the HUD and make weapons disappear from the screen, and you must go south from The Tower to collect this skull. It’ll be in a tall, narrow crevice in the mountain with a passage leading down below and a skull concealed deep within. You should use an airborne vehicle to go to the site and scan for the skull’s exact position.

Thunderstorm Skull #7

The Thunderstorm will raise the ranks of the majority of the monsters you will encounter. It’s in the same Zeta Halo Surface area as the last one. It’s near the place where the Banished keep the AA Guns, on top of one of the hexagonal columns.

Black Eye Skull #8

The Black Eye skull is hidden behind a very large waterfall in the Zeta area, with the entrance to the side of it. Only after you kill foes in melee with the Skull will you be able to charge your shields.

Famine (Skull #9)

When an adversary loses their weapon, the famine skull cuts the ammunition to half. To find the Skull, go east of Zeta Halo to a lone rocky hexagonal pillar at the ring’s far end.

Mythic Skull #10

This Skull can be discovered in the Command Spire task, at the place where the columns turn, where it improves enemy health. Continue down this route until you reach one of the columns, then the roof, where the skull is buried.

Grunt Birthday Party Skull #11

Every time you headshot Grunts with this skull, you will be rewarded with a beautiful celebration. The skull may be discovered in the midst of the Repository task, where you must activate the terminal in the centre. This causes the light bridge to open up the passage ahead, but you should instead leap and grapple to the right-hand door, which contains a Power Seed.

Now grapple your way to the other door, which will lead you to a golden area with foes and the skull.

Bandana Skull #12

Equipment cooldowns will be removed, and Bandana will provide infinite ammunition and grenades. It can be discovered in the mission Silent Auditorium. You must complete this objective until you reach the region where Sentinels appear, however you must not shoot any of them. This is because if you do, the Skull will not spawn.

Instead, go straight ahead to the entrance with the Bandana Skull, where you must activate two light bridges.

Check out the following guides for additional information about the game:

This finishes our guide to the Skulls Locations in Halo Infinite. Please leave your thoughts in the box below.

Watch This Video-

The “halo infinite second skull location” is the final skull to be found in Halo Infinite’s campaign. It can be found on the north-east corner of the map, where you will find three large rocks with a yellow light shining through them.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you find skulls in Halo Infinite?

A: This answer is fairly broad and will be added in our future revisions. You can find skulls throughout the game, but you are more likely to find them around War Games maps or if playing on a higher difficulty!

Can you go back for skulls Halo Infinite?

A: No, the game does not have a campaign mode.

How many skulls are in Halo Infinite?

A: I am unable to answer this question, as it is not in my database.

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