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Vex Mythoclast and Stag Rifts are easily counterable. They do not need nerfs.

The Mythoclast and Stag Rifts are some of the most popular Legendaries in the game, but they are easily countered by players. This has lead to a lot of frustration among players who have spent money on these cards. Blizzard is considering nerfs for these cards, but it would be better if they just removed them from the game entirely.

The vex mythoclast is a legendary card that has been present for a while. It can easily be countered with cards like Stag Rifts. Nerfs are not needed because the cards are easily counterable.

I’m not sure whether folks are attempting to learn how to play the PvP element of the game. There are glaringly apparent methods to counter powerful abilities/weapons that I see people complain about all the time when they don’t need to be nerfed, in my opinion. I’ve recently received concerns regarding Vex Mythoclast and Stag rifts, so I’d want to quickly explain how I deal with them:

Vex Mythoclast: any low-rate-of-fire semi-auto weapon, such as pulse rifles, scout rifles, hand cannons, and even bows, may be used to successfully against Vex provided you play inside their respective ranges and use COVER. Vex has a fast TTK, thus if you find yourself taking the first few bullets in a fight, it’s better to withdraw and seek cover (this is also a good practice to dueling against most weapons in the game). Your best buddy is peek-shooting. Make it a point to utilize cover more often. Almost all of the time.

Don’t get me wrong: Vex is still a formidable opponent. Like, really powerful. So although I agree with some of the proposed nerfs for Vex, such as lowering the number of Overcharge stacks you receive each kill from three to two, I almost want it to remain the same so players can get accustomed to saying things like “oh crap, I have to plan how I’m going to fight this guy.” I don’t believe Vex is overpowered to the point where it will destroy PvP if it isn’t nerfed at some point. I have yet to lose a fair 1v1 fight against Vex (no team shooting or vulturing), yet I am far from a PvP god.

Stag Rifts: This one, in my opinion, is even simpler to resist. To make the rifts unusable, just hurl grenades or any other area-of-effect abilities/weapons on top of them. Witherhoard is the bane of my life as a Warlock. Make use of it. DO NOT CHALLENGE THE LANE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY AOE EQUIPMENT. You are not obliged to deal with rifts since they are not an aggressive ability. If you don’t have a grenade or special ammunition, you shouldn’t challenge a rift or a Titan barrier along a lane in the first place. If you strafe in one direction, you are entirely immune to being struck by the rift’s Arc Souls (might depend on how much mobility you have tho, not sure). The best response is to be mobile in some manner. Riskrunner is also said to be a good counter, although I haven’t tried it yet.

Also, it seems that some players still have trouble using Shoulder Charge and believe it is an OP OHK ability. To counteract this, just move! Please get out of the way! Run/strafe and jump! They’ll have to either commit to the charge or halt and shoot you, giving you the opportunity to fire first. Also, be conscious of your surroundings. Make use of your radar. A shoulder charge should always be seen heading your way.

PvE mains are often compelled to play PvP for bounties and other reasons, which I believe adds to players’ unwillingness to learn countermeasures. I can understand why individuals who don’t want to be in a PvP playlist in the first place get upset when they are melted by Vex while attempting to complete the melee kill reward for the weekly brilliant dust challenge. I’ve noticed a lot of calls for Bungie to look at this. DTG - Vex Mythoclast and Stag Rifts are easily counterable. They do not need nerfs.

I’m hoping they’ll do it soon on r/DTG. If PvE players were not compelled to engage in PvP as often, I believe it would be good to all parts of the game.

TLDR: Vex and Rifts both have countermeasures. Also, before asking for nerfs, please study the most efficient methods to fight weapons/abilities.

Yes, I am mostly a Warlock, although I never use Stag. It’s simply not my way of play. I deal with Staglocks just as much as any other class, therefore I’m not interested in hearing about class prejudices.

Edit 2: I believe some people don’t understand what I mean by “counter,” which is likely my fault, so please accept my apologies. I’m not claiming that Witherhoard will guarantee you victory versus a Staglock in a rift; rather, it’s a weapon you may use to gain a brief edge over them. I also recommended Witherhoard with the intention of speaking to more casual PvP players, since that is where I hear the most of the concerns, which was the purpose of this whole article. I realize that in competitive 3v3 scenarios, you only receive a certain amount of special ammunition, so you can’t simply spam Witherhoards, but Stag rifts aren’t totally unbeatable without it. Citans barriers, for a more competitive example, are a direct response to rifts of any type, and they may easily have a far shorter cooldown than rifts.

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